The Association of Physicians of India

Physicians Research Foundation

Journal Club

The Physician Research Foundation is a very important wing of the API. It has been established with the following aims and objectives.

  • To receive / to collect, examine, analyze and publish research works in different fields of internal medicine
  • To undertake, conduct, coordinate, promote, encourage medical research Including clinical research in India.
  • To design, promote, assist and coordinate scientific research activities with the established institutions, bodies and individuals with common interest
  • To provide technical and scientific guidance and help the individuals desirous of conducting medical research
  • Draw guidelines, suggest / provide topics for research and supervise the Research work.
  • To ensure research activity, that conforms to medical ethics, good clinical practice and the prevalent law of the land.
  • To establish ethics committees and appropriate bodies to monitor and Scrutinize research proposals and research projects in medicine as per the prevailing laws and norms.
  • To collate the information of research being carried out in India, as best as possible. To review the results of such studies and publish in the Journal of Association of Physicians of India and help the author in getting it published in international journals, if feasible. The research so conducted may be printed, published and distributed in the form of pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, magazines or any other literature or in the form of books. Such publications may be distributed free of cost or on payment.
  • To generate funds and accept donations, gifts and estate wills from Corporate houses and individuals and Trusts etc.
  • To provide fiscal assistance and give grants in - aid for research in medicine
  • To award prizes, medals and certificates of proficiency in medical research
  • To do all such other acts consistent with objects of the Physicians Research Foundation.

The PRF has started a monthly journal club to inculcate a research mind amongst the postgraduate students across the country. The journal club will be held on 1st Thursday of every month from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Usually, we will discuss two articles from high impact journals. The discussant will be an MD/DNB student from institutions across the country. There will be two students discussant and two faculty guide for each article. These articles and discussion will be kept in this website for the students to learn subsequently also. In case any faculty member or student has an article in mind which you want to discuss please write to us. Students and faculty members who want to participate in this scientific deliberation may please write to us. The student participants will be given certificates and suitable awards from time to time. The PRF wishes to make it a regular exercise so that students learn to interpret original research articles. We will also have discussions and talks on statistics and other related issues.

Every post graduate students who will be presenting an article for the next one year will be given a copy of the post graduate medicine book as an award.